What, pray tell, is the name of this flood of sensation that this sixty-three year-old Man is carried away on? He is ‘simply’ watching a presentation of the music of the “Doo-Wop” period of the long-past 50’s and 60’s, on PBS television. How can he swept up in the grasp of something as ancient as “Let It Be Me?” What force is wafting him over the drudgery of Today, on the pulse of “Stay a Little Bit Longer?” Can those really be tears that he feels flowing as he indulges himself in a fresh awareness of life’s vital throb … magnified through the primal beat and sound of “Duke of Earl?” Yes, indeed!
He, still today … in this very moment, relishes the feeling of, and appreciation for, the dexterity and skill required to accomplish the unclasping of a bra … using only four fingers, without disturbing the rhythm and tempo of a pulsing moment of passionate anticipation. Oh, yes! This is real! And as present as today’s sunshine and sounds of traffic passing by. These sensations live on. Undiminished and undiluted by either the passage of time or the filters of lifetimes of experiences.
This singing of “Sixteen Candles” triggers an immediate response of those many instances of overwhelming appreciation of the sacredness and wonder of being sixteen years old. He knew, but could not, then, define the bright light of infinite Possibility that flooded his existence. And, wonder of wonders, he knows it still! And how does it return … refreshed and new? On the wings of these “silly,” raucous, and idealistically naïve, little songs. I love them!
So, My Darling Reader, I beg you to honor …dwell in … savour … and celebrate whatever emotion and sensation You have visited upon You today. For they are permanent and eternal parts of who You are. Always present and available for recall and reliving. And, please, I implore You, encourage and support a conscious appreciation for the wonder and majesty of the passions and delights that are presently real to those younger, and less experienced than You. Validate the legitimacy of their full array feelings. Lest they miss any opportunity to know the fullest spectrum of Life’s magnificent beauty.
This, Dear Friend, is as real as it gets. Now is as immediate and absolute as any moment has ever been. For this old Guy … for You … and for our children, and their children. Give all of yourself to your “Now.” Give all of You to our shared “Now.” Make Now a treasure to be revisited over, and over again … for all who your magnificent Soul touches. And … “Stay … a Little Bit Longer.”
Ain’t Life great?!
[huge smile]
Very nice. Our memories are a part of us, and in remembering a smile touches us. Thank you. Still love that music, and also I couldn't help but think of Fonzi on Happy Days when he was showing how to undo a bra stretched across a radiator in the men's room, and at the time I almost fell off the couch laughing. Hope you saw that one. :-)
Well, John-Michael this was just fabulous. I can feel your energy today! Feels so good to be alive and present, huh?
It's such a gift when music or a word or a touch or a smile, whatever it is, it's just a gift when it shows up! and creates in us this immediate sense of joy and in many cases, brings to the forefront a treasured memory such as the ones you experienced this day!
To future joy and the spreading of it!
Don't you feel sorry for those of us who grew up with grunge and alternative music? Doesn't have quite the sensual memory capacity...Thanks for sharing yours with us.
Music and memories go hand in hand, but isn't it funny how certain songs make you feel a certain way and you could just play them over and over...and boy have I!
not really the point of this post but it has said the music of our teens and early 20s is what tends to bring the strongest emotional response in us all life long.
that said, i smiled along with you in your reminiscences and had a couple of my own as i considered the music that takes me back. then exhorted to consider the younger ones i think of the way one of my limelettes gets a certain light in her eye when she hears her favorite songs and then skips around singing them. ain't it grand indeed...
and with that i shall say, "good night, sweetheart, well, it's time to go..."
I do believe that every fibre, that has been woven into my life's tapestry, has been accompanied by a musical soundtrack. I can be reminded of some experience, or see something that gives rise to a recollection, and there is a song or some music present. I do enjoy, so very much, being able to share these moments with You, Darling Linda. Your encouragement, of my forays into my past, makes doing so far more fun.
And, yes ... I do remember The Fonz's 'demonstration.' I also recall thinking, at the time, "Amateur! Not quite 'smooth' enough." [silly grin]
Lovingly ...
I do believe that I would happily share the joys of living out the treasures of that music ... by expressing it in dance with You, Calli, My Dear. Yes indeed! Somehow I sense that that would be an exquisite experience. The "Who You Are," revealed in your words, seems to be One who would be attuned to the music in either a casual walk, or the aforementioned dance.
Lovingly ...
Oh, Cory-Lynn ... bless your heart! I do, indeed feel a sadness of loss at your having missed out on those sweet times. You have reminded me of the instance of my apologizing to my daughter for the world that my generation has passed down to her generation. She so loved the "Happy Days" portrayal of those times that were my youth. I recall that she and her girlfriend had committed EVERY word and gesture from "Grease" to memory ... and would repeatedly perform them for each other. Alas!
Lovingly ...
Each time that am blessed with thoughts of You, Joni, My Precious, Treasured Friend, my Spirit is aware of sweet music. That is an absolute fact! Your wonderful Self just does that. And I am so grateful for your Presence in my world.
Loving You ...
You have given me the most delightful Image of your darling "limelettes" getting into their favorite music ... and You My Darling Limesmiling your enjoyment and approval of the moment just behind them. How marvelous that You engender such an environment for your Family!
I love You ...
Jeez, John-Michael. Every time I go off the deep end over at my place, it seems you have something life-affirming over here. I thank you for that, of course.
Your daring dive into the "deep end" was something that I appreciated very muchJim. If only more of what want to be called "men" would care as much for those Ladies who entrust themselves to relationships with them, as you care for YOUR WIFE ... life would be a far more beautiful happening.
I do, indeed, love You, My SulDog Friend ...
Oh sweetie! You took me back. I could hear those songs and my feet wanted to dance.
You're not old! Quit that!
Hi there, My Darling Aims. I sure am glad that I could share the feet-movin' essence of those Treasures. I watched a "Great Performances" presentation of Eric Clapton in what was billed as a "Cream reunion" last night. Oh my gosh! I was amazed that those grizzled men, of obvious 'much experience,' were producing such marvelous sounds, physical energy, and passion. I was right there with them ... and enjoyed every Soul-grabbing moment. Magnificent!
Loving every bit of You ...
For me its is REO Speedwagon, Keep On loving you. It is the music of my middle school years and my childhood (Tie a Yellow Ribbon) that really stirs my soul.
Now, great advice to stay in the present. Our mind wants to always take us someplace us else, past or possible future, as least it does for me,
and I feel like my mind needs to be trained to be like a child again who can be in the moment.
To give you a child-worthy enjoyment of this very Moment, Dear Morrow, I offer you this little gift of THIS, and AND THIS .
Enjoy, My Friend! [smile]
Lovingly ...
Ooooh - this was a delight. While I am flipping through the TV channels I occasionally catch one of those TIME LIFE series selling sets of CDs from the 50s and 60s and if I pause to listen (and I inevitably do!) I am transported back. It only takes such a few moments to feel those sweet, and sometimes bittersweet, feelings again.
Some of those "silly" songs (with group names that defied logic) have such intense meaning, don't they? "Build me up, Buttercup Baby," "Crimson and Clover," "Lay Lady, Lay" - amazing how a few bars of music spans a few decades of life.
And "Let It Be Me" - ah, one of my very favourites...
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