Friday, May 19, 2006


“It’s intimacy!”


“Intimacy!… that’s what you found in the chance encounter with the stranger in the office.” I offered. “You and he connected in a personal, immediate, and un-cluttered, spontaneous intimacy which, obviously, you both had a very ready yearning for.”

Then… silence… and tears… and a complete shift in the dynamic of our meeting. We were no longer sharing in the “magic” of the recounting of a mystical and wondrous happening. Now we were suddenly immersed in a reality moment.

“That is what We had… what drew Us to each other… what I have missed and wanted back, but didn’t know the name of until right now. And now, now that you have identified the element of my yearning, I want back what We had… with Him… not someone else.”

And for the first time in my own personal conscious awareness, I, My Dear Reader, was confronted (by that source known to the ages as “Muse”, or “Still Small Voice”) with the tangible character of Intimacy. Not something that is done… neither activity nor planned exercise, but a state of BEing. For, don’t you see, we can only BE intimate, intimacy is not something “done.” Intimacy is a state of being that creates its own ecosystem. There is an environment that lives… colours that vibrate… life forms that flourish in a state of intimacy that would wither and cease to exist outside of those elements that are particular to intimacy.

So, today, in this moment of your consideration, I ask that you sweep aside all of the detritus of life’s “Doing Stuff” and make a place for Being intimate. First with yourself… “Know Thyself”… honor thyself… respect thyself… be intimate and allow an awareness of your true yearnings. Then permit a barrier-free state of intimacy to happen with a trusted “Other.”

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IMAGE: Courtesy of R&K4everloved, The Lens Flare


Cigar Blog Moderator said...

It's rare to find interesting blogs from Tampa. Keep it up.

John-Michael said...

Hey... an encouragement from someone who can relate to Tampa's "Cigar City" history. Thank you for your encouragement my friend, you picked me up!

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to leave your site. You have such depth and insight and you are a rare find. One that I will from now on treasure. I could sit for hours on end absorbing it all within me. All of this really hits home for me. Thank you so very much.

John-Michael said...

In a period of uncertainty ... whilst I am questioning the value of this opening up of my inner Self ... Life has given my choice to give myself to you validation ... through your kind and generous response. You have ministered to my soul. Thank you!

Anonymous said...


We will continue doing so... discovering you is one of the most 'right' things in my life. I am glad that I am such a sponge to continually soak it up. Forever grateful I will be.

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Unless expressly stated, all original material, of whatever nature, created by J. Michael Brown (John-Michael) and included in this weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.