Friday, May 05, 2006

Some Illumination on "Insignificance"

When I become Insignificant to my Significant Other,

I begin to shift focus away from him/her...

To some-one or some-thing where I will find

Validation to suit my need for significance.


[After watching the husband who has become completely unattractive, through obvious absence of personal care, as he attentively focused on the removal of a miniscule spot of dirt from his shiny new four-by-four deluxe edition pickup truck with his wife totally ignoring him to the same degree that he was oblivious to her.]


Which raises the question: Have you shifted your focus to friends, hobby, Lover, social or religious activity as a chosen source for the validation of your significance?

John-Michael/ Tuesday, 15 January 2002

IMAGE: Through the gracious courtesy of Jon Sullivan,

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