This is the condensed and abbreviated message spoken to me by 'Her' … 'She' being in the person of several with whom I have shared my life journey for varying lengths of time, and in various forms of “travel modes.” What has been universally true of all of them is that She eventually relegated me to a role as chauffeur and/or guide whilst She gazed longingly upon other travelers, as they passed by Her window, in their vehicles of other description and circumstance. And I have repeatedly refused to be relegated to traveling in an environment of indifference and uncaring, disattached, aloneness. So, I have always found an emotionally safe place to discharge Her from my presence that She may pursue her interests and desires unencumbered by my presence.
What I have learned is that I, by far, prefer making my life-pilgrimage in solitude (though my deepest core yearning is for intimate romance as a constant presence and companion) … to having to accommodate the presence of someone who is perpetually in search of some “improved” status, comfort, or image that may be gained through some other association or modification to Her association with me.

wow...whomever you are writing to is very special indeed. very nice post my friend.
Thank you, Merelyme, for your encouraging kindness. I fully trust my Muse (by whatever name you know your 'muse') to speak to me a message that some heart is readied for and receptive to. That heart is very special to me indeed. And I always write with a spirit of respectful appreciation for the gift of that moment.
(And always wait and anxiously listen for some hint of "Might SHE be the one to hear me?" Hope springs eternal in [my] human breast.)
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