On rare occasion, I read a line from a book, or hear a line in a presentation, that resonates in my Soul. Such was the case when I read ...
"Loneliness had been the trash-can-fire he huddled around for most of his life."
The powerfully significant message here is that this character did not surrender to the cold of loneliness whilst dreaming of that fantasy of a "picture perfect, home and hearth" to warm himself in (though it, most certainly, is a wonderful and ideal fantasy). But he, somehow, recognized the potentials in the condition that he found himself in ... embraced those circumstances ("he huddled around") ... and found warmth in what would commonly be considered to be an inferior "trash-can-fire".
This gave me a smile of recognition and appreciation.
quoted lines spoken by Harry Bosch/character
Michael Connelly's "The Last Coyote" (page 24)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
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This reminds me of the lady who went to a retirement home and envisioned its loveliness, although she could not see, and the view was not impressionable, although she deemed it to be beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we can make our own joy, although that is easier said than done, for many of us. Maybe we are not as creative as this gentleman was! Good piece to ponder - quite deep and profound!
Thank you Carole. We are, again, sharing a mutual understanding. I am so glad for the availability of the "lens of a loving heart" to see my world through. And for you, and your frequent polishing of that lens. Your friendship is precious.
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