Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blogging with a Purpose

If there is a single “Purpose” that binds the people to whom I choose to pass this “Blogging With A Purpose” recognition (with a note of grateful “Thank You“ to Joni, "Morning Coffee," who honored me with this award), it would be their obvious love of, devotion to, and glory in their Families. I confess to being exceptionally vulnerable to, and hungry for, this quality, and unabashedly so. The loss of my children through the nastiness of a divorce’s evil influences has left me with a gaping hole that once knew the presence of my children. So, I unashamedly enjoy, vicariously, the tenderness and joy ... in the display of, and celebration of, full, complete, and vibrant love ... in the dynamics of the healthy, thriving families of others. And these five are at the pinnacle of just such familial love. They thrill my Heart!

They do, of course, have unique distinctions betwixt and between their styles, goals, intentions, and methods of presenting themselves through their blogs. But from the heart-warming hospitality of Annie’s place; to the heart wrenching integrity and painful candor of Aimee’s self revelations; to Shelbi’s effervescent enthusiasm for her faith and her newly-discovered passion in raw foods; to San’s transportations to realms of joyous and tender relationships with the arts as well as sacred family relationships; to Jen’s honest and inspiring sharing of the workings of her emotions and her physical challenges as she engages cancer with her beautiful family at her side … all five of them share the qualities of integrity, character, and Humanity at its best. They all bless every aspect of my Being and elevate my Soul’s perspective on life with hope, humor, positive energy, and humble dignity. I admire, respect, and am in awe of all five of them.

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So, with complete joy and a humble bow of admiring appreciation, I give you these exceptional people who touch, illuminate, comfort, entertain, inspire, and encourage my heart … San Merideth, "A Life with a View;" Annie Peake, "ANNIE’S BLOG;" Aims, "Big Blue Barn West;" Jen Ballantyne, "The Comfy Place;" and Shelbi, "{keeper} of the Chocolates."


San said...

You have made my day, John-Michael! Thank you so much. My day started out with our getting locked out of the garage. With the knowledge of TWO sets of keys on the other side of the door. The only redeeming aspect of that situation was that I wasn't responsible. :-D

Since then I've had a somewhat frustrating day at the easel. You have given me a lift.

I look forward to displaying my lovely "Blogging with a Purpose" award over at my place. I've seen it on other blogs and thought--HOW NICE. It means a lot to me and I look forward to going to the other friends' blogs, some of whom I'm not familiar with.

Much love, friend.

lime said...

well, i have to admit san is the only one i have read but i think she is just marvelous and so very worthy. what a wonderfully creative and happy place she creates.

John-Michael said...

What a dismally frustrating way to begin your day, San. I am sorry that you had to overcome any nagging pests of the sort.

You will always be on a high pedestal of regard and admiration with me. And I do hope that this tiny gesture communicates a bit of that.

I know that you will enjoy the diverse interests and styles of each of those I mention here. They will, most certainly, consider you a gift to their awareness if not already familiar with you.

I do indeed love you.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Friend.

Thank you so much for this lovely award. I am honoured to be included in such esteemed company and I too look forward to seeing it up on my sidebar.

You are a very generous and loving man JM and I am blessed with having found you in my life.

love you JM. How I pray and wish for your own lovely bit of personal love to come into your life. But you know that already.

John-Michael said...

Well now! You, my Darling Lime, are in for a treat! I know that you will find the other four to be captivating and enjoyable, each in their own inimitable style, form, and fashion. Enjoy!

Loving You!

John-Michael said...

Sweetest Aims ... how happy I am to have some tiny bit of a way to express some small fraction of how immensely I am moved by all that You have revealed your Self to be. Your personage is one of note ... and your skillful presentation of that Person is mesmerizing. You are wonderful!

And ... I love Ya!

Kissing of the Frogs said...

I went over to visit all of these wonderful blogs, who are indeed worthy of such a reward, they are lucky to have you as a friend, and so am I.

Annie said...

I have been a little slow to say Thankyou also for this "blogging with a purpose" award. Have been a little busy today. That is very kind of you, John-Michael. And yes, I pray that you wil be reconciled with your own family..I am sure the day will come!
So thankyou for your friendly manner and ways, annie

John-Michael said...

I am so pleased to be able to introduce you to some new potential Friends, my Darling Rose. I know that they will each enjoy getting to know You, as well. 'Cause your are just too very wonderful! [smile]

My loving ((HUGS)) to You.

John-Michael said...

I just realized that on my last visit to your blog, Annie, my Dear, I read several posts, and was so very much into the quiet and comfortable pleasure of each of their offerings ... I never even left word that I had been there. I will remedy that.

Lovingly ...

Anonymous said...

What beautiful words and a fitting tribute to fine bloggers.

Crystal xx

John-Michael said...

I am so pleased that you enjoy them too, my Dear Crystal. My discovery of such lovely folk is the greatest of treasures. And You, My Dear, I consider to be a gem of priceless worth. (truly!)

I do lovingly admire all that You so beautifully are.

Cath said...

All such excellent worthy blogs John-Michael! And no one but you could hold such an award so deservedly - you have always blogged with a purpose!

Well done.

John-Michael said...

How very gracious and kind of you, Dear CathDaughter. I thank You for such a sweet gift.

I do love You, Ya know.

John-Michael said...

Crystal ... I have paused at your comment a few times now. Each time to embrace ... (I know that some would say "Silly!!" ... but I know You to be One not given to anything even remotely 'superficial.' Hence I accept ALL that you give as meaningful.) ... your "XX." And I have not thanked you for that gentle, and oh-so-kind gift.

Thank You, Crystal!

I love You.

shelbi said...

you have inspired me to love more deeply and share my heart more openly my friend...thank you from the bottom of my heart :: and the heart of my bottom :: for this most treasured and thoughtful honor...i have been offline for a while and just now today saw this :)

it has made my entire day!!!


John-Michael said...

It is cause for smiles for me to consider that I have been able to please You, Dear Shelbi. Whilst I have missed your Presence during your "awayness", I am glad that you could return to a knowledge that Your Voice is of consequence and matters. Welcome back, Dear.

Lovingly ...

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Unless expressly stated, all original material, of whatever nature, created by J. Michael Brown (John-Michael) and included in this weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.