Saturday, June 17, 2006

Consider This

I did a little shopping this morning. As I was leaving the store, I saw the Manager talking with a group of the store associates. In response to that nagging little inner-voice, I left my cart-full of stuff, went over with hand extended “Good morning, please forgive my intrusion, but I want to thank you for the consideration that you are giving (and I named the associate) in this time of dealing with health issues. It is very kind of you and I want you to know that it is appreciated.”

I received, in return, a rigid handshake (not unlike what you would expect from any average store mannequin) accompanied by eye contact that is yet to be made. I left the store having accomplished my mission. For, you see, the manager had, in fact, extended no consideration to said employee. I could have approached him with a confrontational “I think that you should be more caring and considerate of the current physical challenges to a very diligent and devoted associate.” which would have put him on the defensive and put the associate in an even less advantageous position. A lose-lose-lose result. I opted, instead, to subtly let the manager know that his treatment of the associate did not escape outside eyes, that there was, at least, a chance that the associate was presenting him in a favorable light to the community, and that at least some, of said community, were willing to speak up for the associate’s interests a well as his behavior. And all done in a pleasant and positive tenor. As I went away from him it was with the word “consideration” on my mind. And it is the merit of that word that I want to visit with you today.

To show consideration for
To esteem; regard
To look at thoughtfully
To think carefully; reflect
To be occupied or concerned with

You have heard me use this word with more frequency than most words that I employ. The reason for, and purpose in that is that I have an urgent desire to encourage all of us (myself included… I too listen to my admonitions) to take the time and expend the effort to “show consideration for”, and “to esteem and regard”, and “to look at carefully”, and “to think carefully; reflect”, and “to be occupied or concerned with” ourselves, our lives, and our influence on the individuals touched by our lives. This is the core purpose in all that I write and live. It is the essence of being in each moment for to “Be” is to be considering all of the functioning aspects of our Being. That poor manager was caught up in Doing the stuff of his daily “to do list” without giving due consideration to the significance of his actions. He is missing life.

So, Dear One, I ask that you CONSIDER yourself and the significance of even this very moment… lest you miss the opportunity to truly live this moment.

"Consider the lilies…, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. And yet… even Solomon, in all of his glory, was not arrayed like one of these."
Matthew 6:28.

Something worth considering. Your caring Friend and Servant, John-Michael

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