Monday, June 19, 2006

Our "Better Angels"

I cannot watch the news broadcasts on television... nor listen to radio presentations of the world's "news"... nor, even, watch and listen to interviews of world leaders, for more than a short while, before becoming overwhelmed by the mean-spirited, unkind, ungracious, and disrespectful attitudes that make for the theme of all that is swirling about all of us at this very moment. I must say... to you, Dear Reader (for you and I share with each other this moment in time and space as I write to you and you read with me)... please STOP! Stop listening to all of the accumulated din of the noise of nastiness. Stop the cacophony of madness that seems to propel itself through our awareness. And listen... Listen to a voice from our not too distant past. The voice of a man of note who bore the burden of care for a fledgeling nation torn by strife and anger. The voice of an unlikely figure who took upon himself the mantle of responsibility for the nurturing and guardianship of a people who were not capable of even knowing how much in need of care and nurturing they were.

Stop... and listen to Abraham Lincoln as he addressed his nation on the event of his first inauguration into office as President of The United States of America on Monday, 04 March 1861... and let your own "better angels" be encouraged today.

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Abraham Lincoln
First Inaugural Address
Monday, March 4, 1861

In this world that has become more intimate and familiar than Mr. Lincoln could ever have visualized, I would suggest that we are all... this common community of every continent of us... a new "Union" of humankind. Further, "We must not be enemies" but must, by all means, Be friends. And I would hope that we could rise, together, to the needs of us all in new "bonds of affection." One heart at a time... starting with me to you.

With my prayer for a more peaceful spirit within you this day, I remain, as always, Your caring and faithful Friend and Servant, John-Michael

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Unknown said...

It is sad that our society has become so mean spirited. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" no longer seems to apply. We seen to delight in other peoples troubles. It seems to have become a habit with us. I've done it myself. I'm trying to stop. It's much nicer to be nice.

John-Michael said...

Thank you... Thank you... Thank you Jill! You have my salute and vote of support in your efferts. I had to eleminate a politically slanted item on the side-bar of this blog because the rancorous tenor of it became oppressive to my spirit. We can...(and just did) make a difference in the atmosphere by our unity of determined commitment to a kinder spirit. Again, THANK YOU!

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