Wednesday, February 13, 2008


For The Many, being ROMANTIC is something ...
that they occasionally do.

For The Few, ROMANTIC is their state of Being …
not something done.

As one of The Few, I am delighted to accept the labels of “Unrealistic,” “Dreamer,” “Idealist,” and “Sentimentalist” ...
affixed by The Many.

For I live in the joyful ecstasy of knowing ROMANCE …
in every one of life’s Happenings …
and in those with whom they happen.


Casdok said...

You have a lovely way with words.

John-Michael said...

I am engaged in an insatiable quest to give vocabulary and voice to my Soul. It is my most earnest desire to lay open all that is Truth within me, in the hope that I can encourage trust and willing vulnerability in the tiny world that I am able to touch. (Wow!, I've never tried to articulate this for anyone before! ... but the purity and openness of your voice [in your blog messages] encourages me to try.) I thank you for your kind comment. You touch Me!

katydidnot said...

what better thing to be labeled than idealistic. i will take idealistic over cynical any day. and by the way, joseph campbell's power of myth changed my mom's life.

John-Michael said...

Thank you for your generous endorsement. And as to Joseph Campbell, and the power in the truths of his lessons ... (now here's something I have never spoken to in this medium) I was ordained as a Deacon in, raised from birth in, indoctrinated and bred in the southern, fundamentalist, evangelical religious "box." Joseph Campbell enabled me to know that the box was far smaller than the Being.

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