Sunday, April 30, 2006

Art Appreciation and Sewage Disposal

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The incongruous union of the titled subjects is a fit parallel to the ethereal notion of love and the physical abstraction of desire. It is my contention that the element of desire is but a natural impulse to physical reproduction while love is of the spirit and, inasmuch as the spirit has no need to reproduce, the impulse to love is free of gender specificity. Where my body may respond to the physical attributes of one of a given sex, my soul responds to the incorporeal aspects of one'’s spirit exclusive of gender consideration. The two worlds of cognition are as disassociated as the titled "“Art and Sewage." One addresses the non-material transcendence of the inner self while the other relates to the consideration of an all-too-real life necessity. Neither is of greater or lesser value in the balanced estimation of life, as we know it, and both are worthy of individual attention.

The limitations of the physical/material world are, inherently, visited upon the relationship that pivots on them. Decay and decline are the inevitable companions of all that is of "‘the flesh" and will be mirrored in the union that is bound by those material and/or physical attributes. That is... as all of those physical elements that fascinated, intrigued, excited, and stimulated are affected by the passage of time, those who have based their affections on those changing properties will become acutely aware of the evolution (or, more to the point... devolution) of their interest. Where the relationship is borne of the spirit... in response to the mystical and intangible qualities of the adored one... it seems to me that that relationship grows with the development of new and refined aspects of that admired spirit. The "gift wrapping"’ fades in significance while the dynamics of the evolving "‘gift" give birth to new levels of appreciation.

With this said, I can surmise that I can love beyond gender limitations, and experience sexual gratification and satisfaction within separately defined boundaries. Restated; I can (A) love without bounds and (B) celebrate sex within my own individually determined discriminations and preference. Simply stated (I know... Finally!) I can freely love "He"s and "She"s exclusive of and apart from any physical expression, intention, inclination, or realization while, separately and independently, indulging my physical passions for the natural focus of my personal desires. And where the twain meet... Oh my!

So, Dear Friend, when I exercise my sense of freedom to let you know that "“I love you", you can relax and be comfortable in the knowledge that what I am expressing has no sexual context (unless I make quite clear a contrary intent.) Acknowledging and celebrating the joy of being "in love" with your personhood... your unique identity comprised of all that is your temperament, intellect, spirit, and even soul... is completely asexual and the greatest pleasure that this life affords me. And I live each moment in respectful appreciation of the gift of loving.

It is my hope and intention that this little discussion will introduce some new vocabulary into our transactional thought and behavioral processes, freeing us to be more at ease with and responsive to each other in our appreciation of the transcendent "Art"“ that is the eternal essence of who we are. For, don't you know... I love you.

IMAGE through the gracious courtesy of Jon Sullivan,

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