Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Stream of Life

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I trust the stream of life. The flow that begins at some point before my knowledge and goes beyond the limits of my awareness. I am confident in the perfect balance, purpose, and harmony of life’s flow. It accumulates all that joins it and carries all to an appropriate end. The fallen leaves of Autumn; the blossoms of Spring; the bits of ice in the Winter… just as the circumstances, events, challenges, and blessings of our individual lives… all, in their own season and appropriate to their purpose, fall into the flow of life and are carried to their fitting purpose. All under Life’s control.

So it is with the items that I write and publish. In other venues, I have composed thoughts and transmitted them with the singular understanding that it was necessary for me to do so. I simply and trustingly responded to that “Still Small Voice” within my spirit… that “Muse”, if you will, that gives all of us a quiet, yet clear understanding of what we are to say… or do at a particular time and in a specific place. And, Dear Reader, this is the source of what you have seen, thus far, and will see hereafter in this little vehicle… this BLOG.

The reward and validation that I enjoy is the response from the one for whom the message has merit and meaning. The “How did you know?” that comes from one whose need, desire, or conflict I was completely unaware of but was known to the Source of my Inner Muse… Life provides a dynamic, all encompassing, and reliable flow that carries those of us who are willing to participate. And I am.

Hence, you will see some articles written long ago and some penned in the current time. I am simply listening and flowing with the stream of Life’s direction. (And happy to have you along.)

Your Servant, John-Michael/ 12 April 2006

(IMAGE: Courtesy of )

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