There are, along the way, places set aside … not destinations in and of themselves, but places for pulling over; taking a respite from the pace of the journey; and reflecting, in the momentary interlude, on the majesty, grandeur, and all-encompassing scope of where we have been, are now, and are going. These oases are dubbed “Scenic Overlook” by the signposts announcing their proximity and availability. While taking advantage of them the traveler is afforded the opportunity to survey his place in the scheme of his world as it is at that moment.
I have frequently found myself to be a “Scenic Overlook” in the Life Journey of many whose paths have been directed my way. I am not 'planned' on their itinerary nor am I considered as one of those places of note when they recount their travels to others. But I, when visited, have opportunity to present new perspectives on their pilgrimage. I am privileged to provide some new appreciation for their past; make available a fresh awareness of their present; and project hitherto unimagined possibilities for their futures. This is my ministry … my calling … my joy. I offer whatever I might, as my gift to the world that I am allowed to have some influence upon.
This motivates all of my intentions in thought, behavior, and action. Including what You, Dear Reader, are reading right now. I do hope that you have enjoyed this brief respite from this day's travels. For, you see, I have also chosen to love You.
IMAGES (Chesil Beach, near Abbotsbury, Dorsett): Through the gracious courtesy of:
Ian Britton,
you are more than noteworthy, my friend. never doubt it.
Beautiful photos my dear...Thank you so much for sharing!
Yes, we all can benefit by briefly pausing now and then to reflect where we are, where we want to be heading. It's too easy to get caught up in the day to day dross of living and forget the joy of what is around us.
To be of Note in the album of your consideration, Dear Lime, is not only a compliment, but makes me happy!
I Love You, Darling Friend!
Silly, I know, Sweet Vi, but I can't help but wonder (in a wistful way) if you have had occasion to take in this view of Chesil Beach (Abbotsbury, Dorsett) in person. The thought of sharing the joy of such a lovely place with You gives me a smile.
Loving You ...
I truly love the thought you express here, of being a relaxing place to shed some care and enjoy the view. Very lovely.
(*breathes deep, exhales*)
Ah, better. Thanks for the recharge, John-Michael!
I can, in all candor, tell you, Sweetest Shrinky, that this momentary pause, as I consider the gift of your presence here, does, indeed, give me a slice of Joy (or however Joy is served!?)
I love You, Dear.
You conjured an immediate mental image of Me (as one of those "support people") along-side the marathon route with a ready cup of renewing refreshment, and You, Friend Jim, as a passing Runner receiving the cup and smiling an acknowledgment as you enjoy the brief "recharge." The very idea that I could bring such a moment to You,Dear SulDog, gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction.!
Loving Ya!
(A different sort of perspective from the "overlook" eh? But it is the image that I sensed.)
A chance to stop, reflect and recharge dear John-Michael. Such places are havens for our spirits. Everyone should have at least one such place.
With your "Everyone should have at least one such place," my mind recalled the look of blissful "apartness" in your face as you were astride your favorite equine Friend. You had the look of Being in "one such place."
My Love hopes that this day will find You in such a moment, Sweet CathDaughter.
Your blog is ALWAYS a lovely respite, John-Michael. And I needed the respite today. I've been playing catch-up at work, after my trip to visit Mother. And tomorrow my baby girl graduates from college. Lots of mixed emotions today.
Thank you for the scenic overlook in words and pictures.
Oh San, bless your lovely Heart! I am amazed that You would have any emotional resources left to devote to work with all that You have on your Spirit's 'plate.'
To think that I could offer even a moment's respite to such a Soul as You, My Darling Friend, is gratifying beyond my paltry words to express.
Please, PLEASE, be mindful of the marvelous worth of San in all of this and grant your Self gentle care and loving nurturing. I love all that is who You so beautifully are!
Thank you for making sure I stop to look at the beauty and relax.
I know that the words are dog-eared with ageless use, but may rest assured that they are as fresh in intent and meaning as this very moment of my loving You, My Darling NiteByrd ...
"At you service, Dear Lady."
always a refuge in the journey found way or another...through words, pictures or your sweet are a blessing my friend ~
For you to accept and have comfort in a moment with me as your "refuge," is an enormous compliment to me, Dearest Joni. This thought gives me so much pleasure! Thank you for your constant Gift of joy and encouragement.
Know that I Love You.
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